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Add a User Code

Note: Users must exist in the system before you can add user codes.

For more information about user authority levels, refer to Authority Level Reference. For more information about profiles, refer to Profiles.

Add a Standard User Code

To add a standard user code, complete the following steps.

  1. Go to Customer Summary > Systems.

  2. Select the system that you want to program.

  3. Tap User Codes.

  4. Tap the Add icon.

  5. Enter the User Name, User Number, and User Code.

  6. Depending on system type, specify the user’s authority level or select profiles for the user.

  7. To create an app user, go to Create an App User and enter the user’s Email, First Name, and Last Name.

  8. Tap Send.

Add an Ambush Code

An ambush code sends a silent duress signal when the user disarms a system with User Code 1. To add an ambush code to a system, complete the following steps.

  1. Go to Customer Summary > Systems.

  2. Select the system that you want to program.

  3. Tap User Codes.

  4. Tap the Add icon.

  5. In User Name, enter a name for the ambush code.

  6. Clear Next Available Number.

  7. In User Number, enter 1.

  8. In User Code, enter a unique code to signal duress to the central station.

  9. Select profiles or authority levels as needed.

  10. Tap Send.

  11. Go to Full Programming.

  12. In System Reports, switch on Ambush Reports.

  13. Select Send System Reports.

Note: To function as an ambush code, Ambush Reports must be enabled on each system where you applied User Code 1. If Ambush Reports are not enabled on a system, User Code 1 functions as a standard code. For more information, refer to the appropriate panel programming guide.

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